Living in a new place allows you to change many aspects of your life, this is something I was looking forward to with my move to Sydney. Just like everyone else, I have so many dreams and aspirations that are not given the attention they deserve. This is something I am really trying to focus on moving forwards, so here’s how I hope to make some changes.
The main problem is that I often find myself not committing to anything due to a number of factors such as a lack of confidence, motivation and free time just to name a few. I feel that not having a place to write down and keep track of what I really want to accomplish, (especially for long term goals) has been a big drawback for me.
Without a constant reminder and source of accountability, I find it very easy to forget or put off most of the goals that I would class as very important to me. That’s where this post comes in, I’ll be using this as my little guide and reminder of what I should be aiming towards, to hold me accountable.
See at least 3 new cities in Australia
Melbourne & Perth are top of that list so far.
2 Holidays outside of Australia
Bali is taking priority, then hopefully have enough time and money to fit in another towards the end of the year.
Update: I have just booked the Bali flights for June!
There are two main focus points for this goal. First is improving the sate of my left side/back, which hasn’t been right since a fall over 3 years ago. Second is loosing weight just to generally improve my health an fitness which should also help with my back problem. Here’s how I plan to tackle this goal;
– Yoga
– Exercise / Outdoor Activities
– Eat healthier
For now I’ll keep it that simple, but hopefully add some more to it in the first few months of 2015. To hold myself accountable I will be writing a post on the fitness and travel goals whenever I have anything to report.